
Rosh Chodesh Society 5785

  • Well-Connected

    A Work of Heart

    Between Me and G-d: How Jewish Prayer Unites Heaven and Earth

    Should we pray? Granted, prayer has been a key feature of Jewish life for four millennia. But what is its goal, how is it done, and why are ancient and formal rituals relevant to us nowadays?

    The Rosh Chodesh Society’s upcoming course, A Work of Heart, flings the cover off the Jewish prayer book, the prayer services, and the synagogue exposing the beating and beautiful heart of prayer that breathes within. It reveals prayer as an art and an opportunity, a means of human-to-G-d bonding, a journey of self-discovery, a perspective changer, and an exercise in self-empowerment.


  • Prayer often gets a bad rap: Dialogue with the Unseen seems unrealistic, prayer gobbles vital time, petitioning is for the needy, prayer services are confusing, etc. This lesson reveals that the core of prayer in Judaism is the soul's craving for a deep and meaningful personal connection with G-d, and demonstrates how to meet this goal through prayer.

    Join us for this year's monthly course!

    Lesson 1 -
    A New Paradigm For Prayer - Wed, Nov 13th at 7 pm
    Lesson 2 -
    Understanding the Mechanics of Petition - Wed, Dec 11th at 7 pm
    Lesson 3 -
    Making Sense of Liturgy. One Step at a Time - Wed, Jan 15th at 7 pm
    Lesson 4 -
    Finding G-d in our World - Wed, Feb 12th at 7 pm
    Lesson 5 -
    Achieving True Transcendence in Prayer - Wed, March 5th at 7 pm
    Lesson 6 -
    Synthesizing Divinity & Materiality in the Amidah - Wed, April 30th at 7 pm
    Lesson 7 -
    Finding Meaning in Communal Prayer - Wed, May 21st at 7 pm

    For more information about this course, click here

    Feel free to contact Nechama Dina Carlebach at [email protected] if you have any questions. 


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