
Shabbos Project 2016


    On November 11th & 12th, more than two million Jews in 85 countries around the world will join as one in celebrating a traditional, cohesive and momentous Shabbat. 

    Please bring your family and friends to spend Shabbos together! For twenty-five hours, celebrate the Shabbos more than you have done before!

    Shabbaton Itinerary
    Click here  to RSVP

    Friday, November 11th
    4:32 pm - Women's Candle Lighting (Please come early to light before this time)
    Bring in the Shabbos Evening keeping the tradition alive just as Jewish mothers and grandmothers 
    have done for thousands of years! Join in a Moment of Silence and Prayer - 
    Use out the moment to pray for your family, community, Israel, and all those in need.

    4:45 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat 
    Welcome in the Holy Day of Shabbos with Song and Joy! 
    Join in uplifting tunes such as Lecha Dodi etc.

    6:00 pm - Unity Shabbat Dinner with Guest Speaker Rabbi Emanuel Carlebach
                 Topic: Why is Prayer so important?

    Start the Shabbat dinner with the Traditional Sholom Aleichem melody. 
    Join in unison as we recite the Kiddush over wine and grape juice to commemorate the Holy Day of Rest. Enjoy a full four course meal 

    8:30 pm - Desserts and Farbrengen  
    Sit back and relax and enjoy the Shabbos spirit.  Share stories of how Shabbos has made a difference in their lives.

    Shabbos, November 12th
    9:15 am - Morning Torah Class & Coffe e
    Take a deeper look at the Weekly Torah portion of Lech Lecha.

    10:00 am - Shabbat Services and Torah Reading 
    Come and feel at home at Chabad of Downtown's easy to follow services with Hebrew/English siddurim, explanations of various prayers, and enjoyable songs. 
    Bring along a friend or neighbor that has not been to shul in a while.

    12:30 pm - Kiddush Luncheon with Guest Speaker Rabbi Emanuel Carlebach 
                     Topic: The Two Mitzvot of Shabbos
    Enjoy Kiddush, Challah, and a full luncheon with Jews from all over the world. 
    Learn about the importance of Shabbos and how it connects us to our Creator. 
    Be inspired by others just like you and their Shabbos experiences.

    2:30 pm - Break-out Lectures with Mrs Chanie Carlebach -- Faith. Family. Future.

    4:30 pm - Mincha and Seudat Shlishit 
    Join us for a short mincha afternoon service and light Seudat Shlishit as we bid farewell to the Holy Shabbos day.  The Rabbi will share some insight into this less known part of the Shabbos day.

    5:30 pm Maariv & Havdallah with Chazan Shlomo Fellus

    7:30 pm at the San Diego Civic Theatre
    Featuring Award-Winning Jewish A Cappella Group from New York Six13

    Make your reservation!   Click here to participate!
    Special Hotel Rates available as well.

    Sign up for Shabbat San Diego events 

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