Kabbalah lecture Potash 2013.jpg 

 The Kabbalah of Character - Mystical Keys for a Meaningful Life 
 With Rabbi Levi Potash

 At the Horton Grand Hotel, 311 Island Ave, S Diego, CA 92101
 Tuesday, October 22nd at 7:00 pm
Suggested Donation:  $15 per person

Perhaps you have struggled before with the elusive search for meaning, and wished you had a personal mentor to guide your growth. What if you had the chance to learn from ancient proven strategies for self-realization and happiness?

According to the Kabbalah, G‑d created the world with seven divine energies. Chassidism elaborates that we as individuals have a unique blend of these seven powers which form the makeup of our soul. Come and discover what they are and their relevance to your life.

Rabbi Levi Potash will share insights into your inner world and will help you discover new strategies for overcoming obstacles to change and progress. You'll learn to resolve guilt, and confusion, and to traverse life's journey with joy, purpose, and direction.

About the lecturer

Rabbi Levi Potash, is a popular scholar, writer and teacher who has lectured on Kabbalah and Chasidism to audiences across the United States. He is currently in the process of writing a book on the subject and some of his articles have been published on www.chabad.org and www.algemeiner.com.

Rabbi Potash, is a student of famed Kabbalist and Chassidic mentor Rabbi Yoel Kahan of New York and he uses his knowledge of Kabbalah and Chasidism to help him in his role as a Life Coach.
He is currently the Director and Spiritual Leader of Chabad MidPen in Redwood City, California.

RSVP for the Kabbalah of Character

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SUGGESTED DONATION: $15 per person

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