
Rosh Chodesh Society 5784

  • To Believe or Not to Believe in Yourself

    How do we navigate our inner complexity and chart a clear path for ourselves?

    This year's Rosh Chodesh Society course, TO BElieve OR NOT TO BElieve In YOURSELF, introduces the students to Tanya, a 225-year-old text whose portrayal of human psychology in general, and of our inner spiritual composition in particular, remains as revolutionary and as refreshing as ever. Tanya was authored by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad school of thought, to serve as a substitute for his personal mentorship. The kabbalah-based tools it presents help us understand ourselves, in order to better regulate how we think and feel, and ultimately emerge victorious from life's inner struggles.

  • Ever feel like you’re running in circles?
    You’ve got a considerate and sensitive side, but then there’s another chaotic part of you that just wants to go wild and throw all that away. You feel caring and nurturing one moment, self-absorbed and aggressive the next. When we’re feeling conflicted and overwhelmed, making sense of our thoughts
    and emotions isn’t easy, and making any personal progress of any kind feels hopeless. How do we navigate our inner complexity and chart a clear path for ourselves?

    Join us for this year's monthly course!

    Lesson 1 -
    Know Thyself. Know Thyself. - Wed, Oct 18th at 7 pm
    Lesson 2 -
    Living on the Ledge of the In-Between - Wed, Nov 15th at 7 pm
    Lesson 3 -
    The Long and Short of It. The Short and Long of It. - Wed, Dec 13th at 7 pm
    Lesson 4 -
    Worst Case Scenario? Best Case Scenario? - Wed, Jan 10th at 7 pm
    Lesson 5 -
    Do Happy. Be Happy! - Wed, Feb 14th at 7 pm
    Lesson 6 -
    Wheeling and Dealing to Feeling the Healing - Wed, March 6th at 7 pm
    Lesson 7 -
    If You Mind, It Matters - Wed, May 8th at 7 pm

    For more information about this course, click here

    Feel free to contact Nechama Dina Carlebach at [email protected] if you have any questions. 


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