Click on an icon to view our past programs and events Page of 4 Challah Bake for Sara Thursday, June 11In Merit of A Refuah Shelaima for Sara Rosental JWC: Art & Creativity Wednesday, Feb 4thIn Celebration of Tu B'Shvat Jewish Book Club Periodical meetings throughout the year. Reading books with Jewish Content. Ladies Talent Night! Tues, July 8th Enjoy the Special Talent of Abby November, Comedy Jocelyn Celaya, Classical Radical Guitar Anais Lund, Singer & Guitarist As well as Open Mic!! Challa Baking Thurs, May 22nd Evening of Culinary Delights Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 2014 at 7:00 pm Join us as Shifra Klein, professional chef & Magazine Editor-in-chief 'JOY OF KOSHER' will demonstrate delicious culinary delights! Women's Night! Join us on Tuesday, Jan 21st!!Discover three secrets from the story of the Garden of Eden that will enhance your relationship with Author Chana Weisberg. Women's Comedy Night Comedy & HealingLet Dr Abby inject Vitamin H (Humor) into your life! Crepe Making & Blintzes Tuesday, May 7th at 7 pm Come learn how to make the batter and cook your own crepes!Just in time for Shavuos Symmetry Yoga for Women Tues, April 9, 2013 Learn proper postural alignment, proper gait, and ask questions of an Orthopedic Exercise Specialist all at an alignment based Yoga class!! JWC: Tambourines of Joy Tuesday, March 5th Wine & Canvas Fundraising Event For all levels from beginners to accomplished artistsPaint on canvas with step-by-step instructions from a local artist while sipping a glass of wine! Page of 4