Jewish Secrets to Meaningful Relationships


Marriage is the most powerful relationship there is. Not just because marriage is a universal human ideal. Not just because it is the foundation of the family unit. But also because marriage is a union of two as-yet-incomplete souls. The love between husband and wife is not just the product of mutual attraction, but an expression of an intrinsic bond that unites them in heart and mind, body and soul. Indeed, marriage is much deeper, much more meaningful, and much more important than most of us understand.
SoulMates, a new seven-session course for women, draws upon millennia of Jewish wisdom, from the mystical to the down-to-earth, allowing women of all ages and walks of life to explore the intricacies of love and marriage from a Jewish perspective. The course will delve into a diverse array of Jewish sources—biblical, Talmudic, halachic, Kabbalistic, and Chasidic—seamlessly weaving together the philosophical, the spiritual, and the practical.

You will leave every lesson having experienced an “aha” moment and with tangible, concrete tools to enhance your relationship. Whether you are currently married, considering someday tying the knot, or simply seeking to better understand the spiritual root of love and marriage, SoulMates will forever change how you think about the most important relationship in life, in all its beauty and complexity.

Join us for this eye-opening new women's learning series!
Click here to participate in this course.

Course Fee: $99 includes textbook or $18 per session